By now you have recieved your first music lesson, for free. Now comes the real work. You, as a student, have many dreams and goals to reach. I believe that is wonderful! I also believe in dedication and support to achieve all you think of to do in life. Now, let me tell you about what you need to dedicate to your new and growing talent for music.
First, practice. I can never repeat this too much (ok, maybe), but this is the only way you will progress as a musician. Some say, "eat, breathe, and drink music" if you intend to truly embrace it. It is true. Of course, you have other important things in your life and so you must always set a time apart to exercise your skills on music. In this case, the piano or voice. Treat your voice or the piano as something beautiful and so you need to remember to spend time with it by polishing it, meaning tuning your skills. Second, have fun. You can never get too far in a direction you don't want to go. So, if you feel happiness everytime you tryout your techniques, you're enjoying learning. We all make mistakes (trust me) and giving up on something that will enrich your life is one BIG mistake. Naturally, think positive and smile often to help yourself keep going forward. Lastly, be grateful. Be grateful for the time and sacrifice your family is making for you to start learning something new. They are pushing aside their needs so you can be fulfilled.
Well, that's all for now folks! Hope to see you ready for your next official journey on learning music.
Appreciatively yours,